Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Files, Files and more files.....

Hope everyone had a great weekend... I personally spent most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday drugged up... LOL - Well I DID had a good reason... on Friday afternoon I passed a kidney stone... Oh did I happen to mention I didn't even know I had a kidney stone!!! It was the strangest thing! In the past I have had terrible pain before passing a stone, but this time it was the complete opposite! I had terrible pain afterwards... but yesterday and so far today I am much better!!! And that is good because I was a busy little bee yesterday and hope to keep it up today!!!

For example... I just uploaded five new files to the store... here is a sneak peek for those who would like to see them......

I have also been working on a whole set of files... as of right now - I have five new files I need to test cut and then four more file in different stages of designing.... I have to say I am relieved as I thought I had "designers block" there for a little while.... That was a scary feeling!!! For sure!!!

I actually spent most of the day yesterday either designing or running all over the place... I have been to six different Michael's now looking for a certain item and I just can't find any more of them!!! It is SSSSOOOOOO FRUSTRATING.... and I have to tell you of the six Michael's there has only been one - yep you read right - ONE that the sales people were helpful and friendly!!!! I almost came close to telling one salesperson at another location if you hate you job this much - then QUIT!!!!

Oh well.... that is life... hope you are all well - I am off to test cut those files!!!

Until Next Time!



  1. Good Morning- I hope your feeling better today!! Sales people can be so frustrating!!!! I really like online shopping now I can get most anything I want without leaving the house. :)

    Have a great day!

  2. Is it being too nosy to ask what item you have been searching for at Michael's?

  3. Heather - I love online shopping as well!! and I do most of my shopping that way - but I can't for the life of me find these stars online - much less as cheap as I have found them at the dreaded "M" place!!! LOL

    Bec - they are these 6" rusty metal star.... I found them at two of the seven stores I have been to (they were actually in the unpainted Christmas ornamant secetion and they were $1 each!!!!). I have also had out of state friends check for them too. I conacted "M" corporate - no answer as of yet. And I contacted the company that makes the items - to see if they sold them to someone else too - but they are a "M" exlusive item...

    So frustrating as I am trying to make Christmas gifts!!!!

    But isn't that just the way things always happen when you are working on a project!?!?!?

