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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where does the time go!?!?!

Just a quick stop in today... its already 2 PM and I feel like I have gotten nothing done! (Well that isn't totally true - I did design two more files, helped a new person decided what cutter she wanted and all the stuff to go with it, ate lunch, answered email and hmmmm I think that's it!!!)

I have to go jump in the shower in a moment as I have to leave the house soon - I have a meeting tonight on Tybee Island. I decided that I will go over and see what the "Turtle Team" is all about!

Here on the East Coast (for those who don't live here) we have these huge loggerhead turtles who come and lay their eggs on our beaches. Well the turtles are endangered so they put together these teams to go walk the beach ever morning and look to see if any turtles made a nest and laid their eggs! If the nest is in a "safe" place they leave it and just mark it so no one will disturb it. If the nest isn't in a "safe" place then they will move the eggs to a place where they are safe!

I read a really good book several years ago by Mary Alice Monroe called "The Beach House" and at the start of each chapter was some information about the Loggerhead Turtles and their spawning cycle. All the women in the book were members of a turtle team called the "Turtle Ladies". I have to say it really peeked my interest and I started reading more and more about these awesome creatures.
(this is a really great book by the way - I highly recommend it if you like fiction!)

So this summer I decided to call up the local turtle team and see what it is all about... the first meeting is tonight! I mean hey, if I can help save a few turtles and lose some weight walking on the beach - what so bad about that (well besides the 6 AM timeline!!!)?!?!?!

I'll let you know goes tomorrow!

Until Next Time!



Joyce March 25, 2008 at 5:11 PM  

I love the beach at 6 in the morning... in the summertime anyway. Hope you get to participate in saving the turtles; would be awesome. Question... is there anyway to quickly locate your new files in the store? working 2 jobs I don't have as much playtime as I would like and can't look at every file for every designer hunting for new ones. Of course my husband says I should be buying any but make my own... I am getting better. My deer looks a lot more like yours and less like some deer that has been taking steroids! LOL and I was quite pleased with my manatee and my alligator. See ya later and good luck with the turtles, Joyce

Lucky Charm Crafts by Lynn Barwald March 26, 2008 at 9:41 AM  

How did it go with the local Turtle Team? I hope you enjoyed them and will have an opportunity to help! Good luck! Hope you have a wonderful day today!

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