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Friday, January 16, 2009

Bucket List....

With the start of a new year I know that several people have made their "New Year Resolutions" and are working away at trying to get them done... personally I am not a big "resolution" person... maybe cause I never seem to be able to see them all the way though....

You know - like last year I decided my "One Little Word" would be "FOCUS"... I have to admit that about half way though the year - I kind of forgot all about that word! Forgot all about my resolution to focus more.... and by the end of the year when my DT member Bec reminded me of it... I was like - OH YEAH - hmmmm - I guess I did't do so well with that huh?!?!? Bahahaha!

So this year I told hubby - NO MORE! No more "New Year Resolutions". Instead I wanted us to write up a "Bucket List".

Did you see that movie "The Bucket List"? If not you should - it was really good... but in the movie the two main characters find out that they are dying and they make a list of all the things that they want to do before they kick "the bucket".

I totally love this idea! I think it is awesome! I mean there are some pretty wild and out there things that I would like to achieve in my life time... Of course there are the normal - I want to grow closer to God. I want to be a good wife. I want to grow my business. You know... those type of things... but there are other things I really want to do - Like go up in a hot air balloon. I want to go parasailing. I want to go to Bora Bora.... you know THOSE type of things!

I told hubby this year I wanted us to make bucket list's and try to make it a point to knock one of those items off of one or the other's list EVERY year! I mean most of this things are expensive so we probably can't both do something on our list EVERY year - but if we could focus (ohhh there is that word again!! Grrrr) on one thing per year it could be doable..... Enjoy Life! Live it! You know?!?!?

So thinking along those lines.... here in my free TERMS RESTRICTED cutter file for you today!

(If you do not have a copy of my TOU please make sure you get it from HERE and read it before you download the file!)


Now here is the REALLY cool thing... my 39th birthday was a few weeks ago and my hubby got me the MOST AMAZING gift ever!!! We are heading there tomorrow!!! Whoo Hoooo!!! And here is the coolest thing... When I opened my gift I was FLABBERGASTED and totally shocked! And he said, "If this isn't on your "Bucket List" it should be!!"

So make sure you check back on Tuesday as I am sure you are NOT going to want to miss hearing about my once in a life time "Bucket List" experience!! I'll tell you all about and I am sure I will have a ton of photos to share as well!!! You are not going to want to miss this one!! It is CRAZY!!!!

Hope you like and can use the cutter file (it will only be available for a short time - once it is gone from here you will be able to find it in the Paperthreads store but it might take a week or two!)


Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our Store!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ok I know those of you in the north are going to laugh at my whinning!! But Brrrrrr.... it is freaking cold here!!!! Our low tonight is suppose to be 26 degrees!!! But wait - does that really say that tomorrow's low is 19?!?!?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! There is a reason I live in the south!!!!! Holly Cow!!!!

Not a lot to report today - I am working away on new files..... If any of you have a need for a certain title, or theme - please let me know!!!!

I hope to have a little "something something" for all my cutter friends tomorrow - well that is if I don't FREEZE first!!!

Hmm I think I am off to dig out my electric blanket and my floor heater for my scrap room!!!

Until Next Time~


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our Store!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A couple of things....

UPDATED - I Fixed the links!! Sorry!!!!

To share.....

First of all you will be happy to know I am back in designing mode!! Oh yeah!! That means that I will have some new stuff up at Paperthreads before you know it!!!

I have to tell you it is amazing how much I forget how much I love designing until I stop doing it for a while and then come back to it..... AMAZING!! I love this job!!!

So before I get back to it... I wanted to share two really quick things with you.... first my dear friend Susan has opened up an Etsy shop with her daughter... it is called Suebug and Lizzy! Make sure you check it out!!! My friend Susan is very very very creative and talented when it comes to scrapbooking, card making and altering of items!!! (She is actually the one I stoled the idea of the Recipe Tins from!!!) And then her daughter makes really cool beaded jewelry! So like I said if ya got a moment - go check it out!!!

Then about a year ago I met this awesome lady on one of the forums that I am a member of... we always laugh cause her name is Lori and her last name starts with a "M" as well!! So she started calling herself Lori with the little m!!! And I was referred to as the other one!! Bahahha!!! Well Lori has started her own blog and you might want to go check it out!! She is a wonderful designer of cutting files as well and she offers most of them up for free on her blog!! Might be worth checking out if you have a cutter machine....

Ok - I am off to test cut some new designs..... make sure you check back for a sneak peek - and MAYBE I might just have a free giveaway for all my cutter friends here before the week ends!!!

Whoo Hoo!!!

Until Next Time~


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our Store!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Last Gift...

Okie Dokie.... first of all for those who have emailed me or left a comment about the tutorial links on the left hand side of my blog (I guess I am such a slacker I let my 4share account expire!!!) The tutorials are all back up and working!! Whooo Hoooo!!!! I actually "upgraded" my account and that should make sure that they don't disappear again!!!! I am sooo sorry about that!!!

Ok moving right along... I know that there are SEVERAL of you that are waiting on my "LAST CHRISTMAS GIFT" that I made.... (What???!!! You were not waiting on it?? Sheesh!!! Well here it is anyway!!!)

For Christmas this year I really wanted to make my hubby something that he could take overseas with him on his deployment that he would absolutely love and cherish BUT that he would also actually use! After a bit of pondering I decided to make him a quilt!

Now you need to know I am NOT a sewer. I mean I do own a hand me down sewing machine and I do know how to sew the basics - but that is about it. Lucky for me my Mother in Law is an expert sewer and quilter!!! Whooo Hooo!! So when she was here back in Oct I told her of my plan and she graciously agreed to help and mentor me!

So this is what I did - I went and purchased 18 different fabric that represented things in our life. Of course I had an Army/Solider print. I found a manatee print (since we have gone to swim with them twice now). I had a dog print to represent our two puppies.... well you get the gist!

I then picked out 23 of our favorite photos... from our wedding photo to a photo of hubby with each of our families, a photo of our dogs, a photo of our house... just 23 photos that when he looks at them he will think "HOME" and all the things or people that are important in his life.

I then took those 23 photos and I printed them out on commercial grade iron on transfer paper! The local T-shirt shop then helped me heat set them with their heat presses! I figure hubby will not have the best laundry facilities in wilds of Afghanistan so durability of the photos was a must!

I then took those photos and cut them out to make my squares that I then randomly spread out through the quilt!

After I completed sewing all my squares into blocks and then all my blocks into rows and then all my rows together- low and behold - I had the top of my quilt!!! Whoo Hooo.....

I then sent my top to my dear mother in law - who had a dear friend of hers quilted the top of my quilt to the bottom fabric that I had picked out and purchased! Once the layers were quilted together - my MIL then sewed on the binding for me and low and behold I had my photo quilt!

My mother in law and I had a bet that my hubby was going to cry when he opened it..... She said he would - I said oh no he wouldn't.... and I am happy to report I was right (happy cause that means I WON!!! Hmmmm speaking of winning... I am not sure what I won - and I know I haven't collected yet!!! Oh Anne!!! Bahahahaha).

Hubby did love the quilt though. Everyday that he was home after Christmas he napped with it on the couch and he did indeed stuff it into his duffel bag before he left for pre-deployment training!! So all in all I have to say this was the hardest project I have ever taken on - but it was definitely the most rewarding!!!!

I wouldn't have been able to do it without my MIL or her friend along with the local quilt shop and t-shirt shop! So thank you all sooo very much for your help! I can honestly say it will bring me great comfort in the long year to come to know that hubby is wrapped in pieces of home while he sleeps millions miles away!

Here is a close up of part of the quilt..... FYI - you can click on the photos to get a bigger picture to pop up!

So thats it! A run down of all the handmade Christmas gifts I made this past year...the list was quite long if I do say so myself! Next year I am going to try not to do as much.... Bahahaha - yeah right!!!
Hope you are having a GREAT week!!!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our Store!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Monday, January 12, 2009

Seven Years....

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend... I have a ton of errands to get done today... and I hope to get back in time to blog about my biggest hand made gift..... but in case I don't make it in time......

I wanted to say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my dear husband..... today marks our seventh year wedding anniversary and I can honestly say I love you more today than I did seven years ago......

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our Store!

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