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Friday, July 11, 2008

Have you heard????

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Hello, All you scrappers out there! The designers of Sam & Hailey Designs, I Scrap Designs, and Beloved Keepsakes (that's Jan, Ileana, and ME if you don't know) have a fun challenge for you! We all know that gas prices are through the roof. Just the thought of going on a road trip has our bank accounts crying! So, why not just stay home and take a little journey through time by scrapbooking! Just think of the money you'll save! And, you could end up a little richer by participating!

The Grand Prize winner will receive a $15 Gift Certificate to the Paperthreads Store! Other Prizes will be announced a little later on. Our theme for this challenge is "Travel Through Time!" We've got a lot of ideas for this one!

The main idea is to create a "timeline" of sorts chronicling a series of events. Here are some ideas to get you started:

* Create a timeline of your life.

* Scrap the major events of your marriage.

* Create a timeline of the life of a loved one who has passed on.

* Get photos of your child's first day of school for the past 5 years and journal about the changes in him/her over the course of time.

* Pick an annual event like a family reunion, anniversary, or birthday and scrap the past several years with a short summary of each event.

* Create a timeline of the births of each of your children.

* If you've built a new house, scrap the process from ground breaking to moving in.

* Scrap a major project that you are proud of that you have pictures of the different stages in progress.

Now those are just some ideas, you can use one of those or make your own!

Here are the rules:
~ You must use at least one of our (Jan's, Ileana's or Lori's) files to make your project.

~ The project must be a two-page scrapbook layout of at least 8x8 in size or a multi-page mini-book of any size.

~ The project must follow the theme as outlined - "Travel Through Time" by chronicling a series of events

~ The project must be posted in the Paperthreads Gallery by midnight US Eastern time on Monday, 7/28.

Voting will be conducted by poll in the Paperthreads Fourm from Tuesday 7/29-Thursday-7/31 with the winner announced on Friday 8/1.

For signing up to participate in this challenge, you will receive a free file from each of the hosting designers! You can use these for your challenge submissions, or choose something else from the participating designer's files available in the Paperthreads Store. The rule is you have to use at east one file from one of the designers, there's no rule about which one you have to use.

Here are the files you will receive for participating: From Sam & Hailey Designs, "Scrapbook Timeline"

From I Scrap Designs, "Remember When Gas Cost..."

From Beloved Keepsakes, "Vroom, Vroom"
In order to receive the free files, you'll need to sign up on this thread at Paperthreads saying that you will be participating in the challenge!

So what are you doing - GO SIGN UP!!!!

Until Next Time!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I promised to tell you about the "REST" of my holiday weekend....

On Saturday we went out on our jetski! This has been one of the best purchases we have ever made. We bought it after Andrew came home from Iraq in 2006 and we have had a blast on it. Living on Coastal GA needless to say there is a ton of places to explore....

Well one of our neighbor's down the road purchased two jetski's last summer and then another one of our neighbor's just purchased their jetski a few weeks ago... Well neither one of them knew how to make it out to St Catherine's Inland nor did they know where the marina's are where you can refuel. So we decided to head out and show them around. We also invited our old next door neighbor's who have a boat to go with us...

Before heading out on Saturday morning - we looked at the radar and it was clear as a whistle - but they did predict 30% afternoon thunderstorms. Well this is GA - we have the possibility of afternoon thunderstorms EVERY day during the summer. Normally if you wait about 10 or 15 min they pass on by....

So we headed out - the four jetskis and our mother ship - the boat! LOL We got to the first marina, then we headed out to the second one where we filled up two of the jetski's with gas and then head on over to St Catherines Island. At this time two of our jetskis headed back in as they had an afternoon engagement.

The rest of us piled out on the beach, unloaded our coolers and ate lunch! All of a sudden it got REALLY dark towards where we live. Lighting started popping, it was thundering - all in the distance... It was still sunny and clear where we were. So we decided to just keep a watch out on it.

Our neighbors with the jet ski along with hubby and I on ours decided to head around the island a little ways for some play time in the water and sight seeing.... we get about 1/8 of the way around the island and I told Hubby - look over there - it looks like another storm is popping up and it is starting to look kind of iffy behind us as well....

So we decided to head home..... Well the big bad storm was between us and home.... we made it about three bends away from our dock and it got NASTY - lightening, thunder, it was cold, it started raining... it was ugly! So we decided to turn back around and go back to the Sunbury Marina. So we turned around. Got to the Marina and decided we would wait it out. There was a clear spot in between two of the storms. Once that got even with us- we were going to make a run for it.....

Well while we were at the Marina - another storm came up from behind us... It was right over St Catherine's Island and it was NASTY!! I mean - the scary kind of nasty!! So we decided to hop on the skis and in the boat and make a run for it!!!!

Did you ever see the movie "Hidalgo"??? You know the scene where he is on the horse and the sand storm is right behind him??? I SWEAR to you - that was exactly what this was like!! We headed away from the Marina - and that storm was on our BUTTS!!!!! It was SCARY!!!!

We hauled butt, made it between the two storms in front of us and to the dock. We got the boat pulled out, then pulled out one of the jet skis (we decided to leave ours in) and headed for home! (Now home is just around the corner from the dock) When we pulled into the drive way we jumped out and made it into the house just as the BOTTOM FELL OUT!!!!! (And I mean really fell out - we had 1.5" of rain with thunder and lightening in 45 min!!!)

Talk about close.... wheew!!!!

After all that excitement on Saturday - we decided Sunday just to stay home and relax!! LOL

So there you have it - my exciting 4th of July weekend!!! Hope you all had a great time!!!

Now one quick reminder - there is something really exciting and fun happening on Sunday July 20th!!! You are not going to want to miss it!! So make sure you stay tuned!!!

Until Next Time!


PS -If you are new to my blog - I'm still looking for product testers for the new Beloved Keepsakes Scrapbooking Store. You can read more about that by clicking HERE. (It is about half way down the entry!)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm ALIVE....

I promise.... We have spent the WHOLE entire day running from one place to another!!!! I just got home and it is already 6:14 PM!!!!

I am off to set up my Wii!!!

I promise to post more tomorrow!!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Wii Kind of like Weekend!

Ah so here it is another Monday after a long four day weekend!!! And man was it a weekend!!!

On Thursday Hubby and I just kind of hung out! Not doing a lot of anything. I mean we did have a few errands to run - but other than that - not much happened. On Thur evening we did head down to the dock and and throw the cast net - caught a few shrimp not a lot - but the ones that we did catch where quite big! Especially since it is so early in the season!

On Friday - we got up and headed back down to the dock and threw the cast net a few more times! While we were there we ran into some of our neighbors and low and behold they had purchased a jet ski as well! So we made some plans to met up with them on Sat and head out to St Catherine's Island.

Friday afternoon we headed over to our old neighbor's new home. They moved a few months ago so we went to have lunch with them - and low and behold they had a Wii! Have you played Wii yet??? Oh man oh man! We totally had a BLAST!!! So much in fact that we have decided to sell our Xbox and we have purchased a Wii!! (I actually broke out in a sweat playing the Wii Boxing game!!!) Bahahaha...

Now - before you ask - I haven't actually gotten my Wii yet! Tomorrow is Wii day! I had no idea that Wii's are so hard to find! Who knew!! So I went online and searched and search and low and behold they had some in Orange Park, FL which is really close to where my best friend lives! So she went and sure enough they had three left - well needless to say I got a Wii and now so do they!! LOL Long story short - instead of having to drive two hours to get my Wii - her hubby is heading to NC - so we are going to meet him tomorrow on the interstate for the pass off!!! I am sooo excited!!!!

But - what that means is I now have to get rid of our original Xbox... What does that mean to you?? Well - that means that my gain of a Wii - could be your gain of an Xbox!!! Yep - I am going to sell it and ALL the stuff that I have to go with it!!!

Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold

1 - Original Xbox game console in EXCELLENT condition, 4 controllers, 2 dance pads, mic and tons of games….

Xbox was purchased on 3/27/04 and was bought for $219.95 (I have the original receipt and paperwork, and all connections and cords– but I do not have the original cardboard box that the unit came in.)

In addition to the Xbox unit you will also get the following hardware:

1 - Original Xbox Controller S in “Black” (with wire connection)
1 - Original Xbox Controller S in “See through Green” (with wire connection)
1 – Pelican “Street” Wireless Controller
1 – Pelican “Blade” Wireless Controller
2 – Stay Cool Dance Pads (only used once!!!)
1 – Microphone

In addition to the Xbox unit and the additional hardware you will get the following games:
· Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix (Rated E)
· Karaoke Revolution Party (Rated E)
· Nascar Thunder 2004 (Rated E)
· Sonic Plus Mega Collection (Rated E)
· DreamWorks Over the Hedge (Rated E)
· Shrek 2 (Rated E)
· Tetris (Rated E) (This is bundled with Star Wars)
· Star Wars (Rated T) (This is bundled with Tetris)
· PGR Project Gotham Racing 2 (Rated E)
· Lord of the Rings – Return of the King (Rated T)
· Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring (Rated T)
· Toe Jam and Earl III – Mission to Earth (Rated T)
· Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time (Rated T)
· Ghost Recon 2 – Summit Strike (Rated T)
· Medal of Honor – Frontline (Rated T)
· Delta Force Black Hawk Down (Rated T)
· Battlefield 2 – Modern Combat (Rated T)
· America’s Army – Rise of the Soldier (Rated T) this is the official US Army game.
· Bass Pro Shops Trophy Hunter 2007 (Rated T)
· Ghost Recon (Rated M)
· Full Spectrum Warrior – Ten Hammers (Rated M)
· Full Spectrum Warrior (Rated M)
· Brothers in Arms – Road to Hill 30 (Rated M)
· Ghost Recon – Island Thunder (Rated M)
· Reservoir Dogs (Rated M)
· CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Rated M)
· Fable (Rated M)
· Leisure Suit Larry – Magna Cum Laude (Rated M)
· Grand Theft Auto III (part of the double pack) (Rated M)
· Grand Theft Auto Vice City (part of the double pack (Rated M) – NEVER BEEN OPENED
· Men of Valor (Rated M) – NEVER BEEN OPENED
· Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack (Rated M) - NEVER BEEN OPENED
· Close Combat First to Fight (Rated T) – NEVER BEEN OPENED
· NHL 2004 (Rated E) – NEVER BEEN OPENED


So in total you would be getting the Original Xbox console system, 2 wired controllers, 2 wireless controllers, 2 dance pads, one microphone and 34 games!!! (FIVE of them have NEVER been opened!)

Everything is in working order! As a matter of fact I had one last go with my favorite game (Toe Jam and Earl III) before unhooking it from my TV and laying it all out to take these photos!

Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold

So let me know!! You can reach me via email at lori@belovedkeepsakes.com

I have more to report on my weekend - but I will do that tomorrow!


Until Next Time!


Update - thanks for looking at the Xbox but it has found an amazing home!

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