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Friday, October 22, 2010

Can you believe....

It is almost Christmas!!!!  I know, I know - Halloween and Thanksgiving are not even here yet - but when you are a crafter and you like to MAKE your gifts, you realize just how close around the corner Christmas REALLY is!!!

And let me tell you - I have been working on some super duper easy (AND inexpensive) gift ideas for you!!! (Well and for me too!!!)

So - keep checking back - in the next few weeks I think I will be able to inspire you to get busy Crafting for the Holidays!!!

Meanwhile - Don't forget the OCT GRAB BAG is still up for sale!!

If you didn't get yours - you need to hop on over there and get it before it is too late!!!! One low price of $8!! That is a savings of OVER $30!!!

Here are the designs that I contributed!!

Hope you enjoyed looking!!!  I have got to run - I have a huge project that must be test cut today!!!  Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create and Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusively at: VDBC!!! We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Back to the Craziness...

Now some people will say that the VDBC anniversary weekend was crazy - but not me!!! Oh not I!!!  Oh no - I had a wonderful time... but now I am back to the craziness called life!!!!

I am in the process of trying to get my butt in gear and get all my cutter designs up in the store!! I have almost 400 designs now and I realized this weekend that there are only about 210 of them are up!!! Now before you think I am just being a COMPLETE slacker - I want to explain that none of my older stuff had SVG's so I am having to go in and convert my files to SVG and I am adding the DXF (for those that have been asking!!!), additionally - I am re-doing the photos and I am re-writing the verbiage!!!  So as you can see - it can take some serious time to get ALL of that done!!!

My goal is to upload at least ten older designs a week - now to see if I can stick to the goal - that is another thing!!!!  Don't forget that at the same time I am trying to get all my older stuff up - I am still trying to get NEW stuff done to...

And if that wasn't enough - I am also trying to expand and get my new product lines up at the Beloved Keepsakes Boutique as well!!!

Ah - no rest for the weary!!

Hope you are all having a GREAT week- I am going to try and get some of the projects that my readers have submitted ready to show you tomorrow! I think you might like to see some of their stuff - and hey it may even inspire you to get into gear!!!  Bahahaha!!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create and Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusively at: VDBC!!! We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

And the WINNER(S) Are...

I hope you all had a great time Celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of VDBC and my 1st Birthday being a designer on the "More" team!!!!

Now I know what you are all really waiting for is the winner of this weeks contest - so without further ado.....

The winner of the "Glue Arts" Sticky Prize pack

for participation in the BK's Grand Theft Challenge is:

Well - I'm not going to tell you right away... sheesh.... first I need to tell you I wrote all the entries names on a slip of paper - remember you got one chance for entering, one chance if the page you "lifted" had one of my designs and another entry if your entry used one of my designs as well - so that was up to three chances per entry!!!! 

So I put all the names in a jar -

And I drew out one......

And the WINNER IS:


Whoooo hooooo..... congrats Heather!!!!

Now for the second "Glue Arts" Sticky Prize Pack. 

If you will recall I asked a different question every day and asked you to leave a comment in the comment section of this blog to be entered in a second drawing.  So I copied all the comments (we ended up with 77 comment over the three days).

I printed them out in reverse order (So starting with Sunday's comments first) and then I numbered them 1 through 77.

I then went to randomizer.org and I asked the Randomizer to pick a number one through 77.... and the number was #27!!!!

I matched up #27 with the comment number #27 - and the winner is:

Kelly S!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Kelly!!!!!

I hope you all had a great weekend - and I can't thank you enough for playing and supporting Beloved Keepsakes!!!

Until Next Time!

Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create and Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusively at: VDBC!!! We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The last day...

Can you believe it is already the last day of the VDBC Anniversary Celebration... I am so so so sad. I hope you have had a great time so far! There are a still ton of challenges and freebie floating around .  So just because it is the last day - don't forget to stop in and pick up all the cool stuff!!!

Don't forget today is the last day that ALL Beloved Keepsakes cutter designs are on SALE for 45% off!!! This is the LARGEST discount that I give and I normally only do it twice a year! So if there is something you are hankering for - NOW is the time to get it!!!!  After tonight - it all goes back to full price!

Second - don't forget that I am hosting the BK's Grand Theft Challenge on the forum! And today is the last day to enter!!!  I will be announcing the winner tomorrow!  To get more information just go HERE.   We've already had some super cute entries - so get busy and enter your layout today!!!

Next up is today's question - now remember if you leave an answer in the comment section of this thread - you will be entered to win a "Glue Arts" Sticky Prize pack - donated by ME - Beloved Keepsakes! (One entry per person, per day!)

Hmm - let's see - for today's question - "What was your favorite part of the VDBC 2nd Anniversary Celebration?"

And last but not least... what I am sure you are really here for!!! The last FREE CUTTER DESIGN!!!

I hope you have had just as much fun celebrating this 2nd Anniversary as we have - and to help you remember what a great time you might have had (here or somewhere else)... I have designed this super cute "Celebrate!" Title.

Now to get this download, first we have to reveal the fine print!!! (I know, I know I hate the fine print too - but unfortunately my mean lawyer says I have to put it on here!!! Bahahaha)

Please note that this design is covered by my TOU (terms of use). If you do not have a copy of these TOU please make sure you download it HERE before downloading the freebies!

This design is only available for a short period of time - once it is no longer available here it will be available in my section of the VDBC Store for purchase!

Please do not share this file. If you know someone who might like to have it, then send them HERE to get it!! (Thanks sooo much!)

To download today's FREEBIE - just click on the file type you wish to download - and when asked enter the password: iagreetotou

(This is a paid 4share account, you shouldn't have any issues with downloading from here or getting a virus but if you have an issue please email me!)

 Sorry this file is no longer available for free!

Well I guess that is it for the Anniversary weekend!!!  I hope you had much fun during the VDBC 2nd Anniversary Celebration as I did!!!

Make sure you enter the "Grand Theft Challenge" by midnight tonight! And don't forget to leave your answer today's question to be entered in the drawing for the 2nd Glue Arts Sticky Prize Pack.

I just want to say thanks for spending the weekend celebrating with all of us at VDBC!!!!  I hope you have had a great time and have picked up some great things!!!  Truly we would not be the place we are without all of you!! So THANKS!!!
Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create and Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusively at: VDBC!!! We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

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