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Friday, May 15, 2009

Freebie Friday and a Sale!!!

Whooo hoooo!! It's FRIDAY - and you all know what that means - it means it's FREEBIE FRIDAY!!!!! But before I get to that....

Did you know that this month marks my SECOND anniversary as a designer for Paperthreads!!!! Crazy huh?!?! But yep it was May 2007 that I signed my contract to be an exclusive designer for Paperthreads!!! Wow!!! And now here we are two years and 247 designs later! To celebrate I am having a SALE starting TODAY and running through Saturday Midnight (EST)! All my files will be 40% off!!!!

In addition - this is also Jan's (Sam and Hailey Design's) 2nd anniversary as well... so she is also having a 40% off Sale!!! That's one sale day per year we've worked at Paperthreads and 10% off per total years between us! Make sure you pop on over for that!! you don't want to miss it!!!

Now - on to the REAL reason you are all here..... FREEBIE FRIDAY!!!!!

I don't know about where you are - but here the weather has been perfect - PERFECT BEACH weather!!! So to honor that I am offering you a chance to download this Terms Restricted File for FREE for today and today only....

Sorry file is no longer available for free download!
Make sure you check back next week for another FRIDAY FREEBIE!

Once again I am offering this file in the SVG format for all you Cricut and Sure Cuts A Lot (SCAL) users! It is a multi colored - non layered SVG.... please leave me a comment and let me know how it works for you!!! (I am trying to decide now if I want to offer all of my files in the SVG format for all of you Cricut users!!! Let me know what you think!!!)

Well... I think that is it for today.... Oh, I need to give you a heads up that I will be heading off to spend time with my in laws next week and I will be gone for a couple of weeks! While I will have Internet access - my actual computer time may be cut short!!! But I promise the Scrapbooking, Cards and More membership (which you can still join - its not too late!!!) will be up and running and I promise I will still be here on Friday's with your FREEBIES!!!

Hope you have a GREAT weekend!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hawaiian Wedding....

So for the past several days or so I have been telling you that I was working on some wedding items. See my next door neighbor and good friend has a sister who is getting married next week in Hawaii! My friend asked me if I could print off some items for her. While I told her I could JUST print off some cards for her - that really wasn't what I do..... and hence the wedding project begun!! LOL

They knew that they want to use a Hibiscus flower since it was in Hawaii and that they wanted to use the colors pink and Tiffany blue. Well, I remembered that Barb of Barwire Designs had a couple of really nice cutting files with hibiscus flowers..... so I contacted her (I mean why recreate the wheel if you don't have to!) and she was gracious enough to share her files with me!

Now the bad thing about a designer using another designers design (wow try saying that ten times fast!!!)... is that 10 times out of 10 the other designer is going to make changes to your file!! Bahaha.... and that was the case with me as well!!!

I started out by using Barb's Aloha Title with Hibiscus Flower and I modified it for my purpose. (There was nothing wrong with her file - it was amazing... I just needed it to be three pieces for fast and simple assembly).

Once I had decided on the flower and how to simply it to make it easier for assemble - off I went!!!

In the end we ended up coming up with a complete Wedding Assemble. From a two sided program fan, to an events card, table sitting cards, to a gift bag tag.... we did them all!!!

Here is a photo of all the projects together:

(don't forget you can click on the photo to get a larger image)

And then here is a photo of the gift tag cards:

This is the program fans - front and back:

And here is the seating charts that will sit on all the tables:

And these are the events cards that will go into the welcome packets:

I think they turned out REALLY well!!!! One thing that you can't tell from these photos is that we took our clear Spica pens and added a little glitz in the center of the flowers!! They really sparkle when they are in the sun!

Well I hope you enjoyed my little show and tell! Don't forget we are only a few days away from Freebie Friday!!!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Twenty Years...

Today marks my hubby's 20th year in the military!! Wow!!! Can you imagine doing something for 20 years!!!

Ranger school, Paratrooper, four (or maybe it is five) combat deployments, going from an 03 to an E5, from an E6 to an O4, two company commands, one company command in combat, and now as a Squadron (which is the basically the Cav version of a Battalion) S3.... what a ride!!!

I am not sure if I should congratulate him or commiserate with him!! Bahahaha!!!! But I did want to take the time to say how proud of him I am! He is amazing at what he does..........

Twenty Years ago:


I love you hubby and I am so proud of who you are and everything that you have accomplished in your 20 year career so far! But hey - can we NOT make it 20 more?!?!?!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Wow - Is it really Monday again??? I have to be honest and tell you I didn't get nearly anything done that I was suppose to this weekend!!! (Melissa if you are reading this I SWEAR I am going to work on the wedding programs TODAY, RIGHT NOW!!! Ok after I finish typing this post!!!) Bahahaha!!!

But what I did do was - I got a new file up at the Scrapbooking, Cards and More Membership! (You know it still isn't tooo late to join!) Here is the file I put up:

I have to tell you- I got this idea from my friend Mag's who did a cute digi card last year. I contacted her to see if I could steal her idea and add my own twist to which she said yes!! (THANKS MAG'S!!!) And to be honest with you - I think it is one of my FAVORITE designs to date!!!! I was focusing on graduation ideas - but some of the girls from the membership actually mentioned that if you take the graduation hat off you could actually use this file for a ton of things.... any kind of accomplishment in school, baking cookies, to even Girl Scout Cookie sales!!!! (Those girls are sooo smart when it comes to thinking outside the box!!!)

Additionally today, I sneak peeked another new file that will be hitting the Scrapbooking, Cards and More Membership. (Did I mention that it still isn't too late to join?? I know a little shameless self promoting there!!) Bahahaha!!!

This file falls in the "more" category - I'm calling it the "Butterfly Treat Boxes":

The boxes are all one cut per box. Nothing to glue or assemble!!! The file also comes with all three sizes preset and ready to cut!!! I think this a very very versatile box and could be used for sooo many things!!!

Ok - I have to get back to work - I still have the 44 wedding programs to finish up!!! (Which is actually more like 88 print and cuts!!!)

Hope you all have a GREAT week!

Until Next Time!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day....

To all you Mom's out there!!!


Lori McDonald, Designer

My cutter files work on many machines. Some examples are the: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the most common softwares involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, and Robomaster. These file are available exclusivly at Paperthreads.

We also specialize in pre cut/ pre assembled scrapbooking titles, diecuts, embellishments and keepsakes (including our NEW photo Stars). Make sure to visit our

Don't forget to check back often as we host our scrapbooking digital cutting file freebies at least once a week!!!

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