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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Show and Tell....

First let me say thank you so much for all your kind words and encouragement from my ordeal on Sat!!! It really means a lot!!! Oh - and thanks Deb for the idea of storing my stuff - I didn't EVEN think about that!!!

So on to better things:

I have to tell you that the coolest thing to me - is seeing a final product that someone made using something that I designed. I just can't even tell you how amazing that feeling is. I don't have kids - so I guess for me - it is like what all you mothers feel when you see your child grow up. (Now let me state for the record - I admire all you mothers out there GREATLY. I don't think I could EVER do what you do!!! And just so you know - I have NO CHILDREN of my own.. so I can only imagine that these are the feels you may have!)

I tried to explain it to my bestest friend a while back - it is like I had this idea for an title (the conception) then I actually designed it (the birth), and then I placed it for sale (the nurturing and caring part), and then someone actually bought it (it left home) and THEN they send me a photo of their final project (my baby is all grown up and a productive citizen of the world!!!!!). WOW what a feeling!!!!

So here is a photo of the Custom Class of 1990 title that I designed, then cut and package to sell to my friend and LSS owner Jamie:

And here is a photo of her final layout:

(Oh my baby is all grown up!!! The title - not Jamie!! LOL)

I also heard from the grapevine that my same friend Jamie (now TV super star) used my "Home from Iraq" layout on her final segment "of what other things besides vacations you can scrap" on the FOX Good Morning Show on Channel 10 (they are an ABC affiliate!!!) Whooo Hoooo!!! How cool is that!!! (You can see a photo of this layout out a little further down on Wed's post.)

Here is a layout that Jamie did about her day as a TV "Newsmaker":

Now what you can't see so well in this layout out (bear with me - this is another really cool thing!!!) is the photo of Jamie and the cute little news chick. So here it is:

I can hear you now- "so what" you are thinking to yourself... well if you look a little closer:

Yep! That is a Beloved Keepsakes Photo Bracelet my gal pal Jamie is wearing!!!! Whoooo Hoooo!!! So not only did my scrapbooking layouts make it on the FOX Morning Show but indirectly so did one my bracelets!!!

So I hope you enjoyed show and tell today!!! If you have a photo of a final project that you completed using one of my files I would love love love to see it!!! And hey I'll even showcase it here on my blog!

Happy Monday to you all!
Cya ~


Shirley Clark July 16, 2007 at 1:12 PM  

Wow and to think I am friends with you! I know a celebrity!


Chris Durnan July 16, 2007 at 1:20 PM  

That is awesome!! But personally I am blown away by the beautiful packaging!!! hahaha. Enjoy!Chris

weaselwatchr July 16, 2007 at 4:35 PM  

Omg I am a class of 1990. Is this file for sale??

Love your designs.


Lori McDonald July 16, 2007 at 4:54 PM  

Hey Danica - it is for sell - both the cutter file and the actual title already cut.....

If you just need to the cutter file - you can go to my store at Paperthreads - and choose the custom class of title - and then just add the year 1990.

We will get the file to you!!

If you want the already cut file - email me at lori_mcdnld@yahoo.com


Martha July 20, 2007 at 2:24 PM  

I know Jamie...well, I used to go to her scrapbook shop in Savannah when we lived in Georgia! She is so much fun!

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